I'll have to admit that I'm feeling a little crabby today. Maybe it's the torrential down pour or it could be the fact that I got up with the roosters this morning to register for classes only to find out that my advisor had not lived up to his end of the bargain and lifted my flag so I could register. All of that on its own is a formula for a crap day, but that compounded with the fact that I've been without Taylor for the last seven hours has resulted in my transformation, however temporary, into a 21st century Ebenezer Scrooge. I guess that's enough ranting for now so here we go with my thoughts for the day.
1) I know this sounds stupid, but I'd really like to know why we couldn't just put our heads together and try and find some substitute for rain. I mean really guys, have you ever had a good memory when it was raining? The answer, for those of you still scratching your heads is no. Absolutely, unequivocally no, so why might I ask is it such a stretch for us to get some of today's great minds together long enough to get rid of this nuisance, and then they can retreat into whatever cave they crawled out of and keep developing the next Ipod or social networking site (a worthwhile venture to be sure). To wrap this up with a nice pretty bow I'll say this, I hate rain, I absolutely despise it and wish it was gone. Which brings me too....
2) My next thought, which is the abysmal state of parking at Valdosta State University. In my two years at this university I've done my fair share mully grubbing about the pitiful parking situation, all to no avail of course. The saddest part of all is that the school had just recently spent God knows how many millions of dollars on the construction of a brand new six floor parking deck just the year before I arrived here in Valdosta. The problem comes down to convenience, and I'll be the first to admit that at the end of the day, if I ignore my tendency to be lazy, the walk really isn't all that bad. However on a day like today, when it seems as if the Native American population of southern Georgia has performed a rain dance, it really, really sucked. So please Valdosta State University officials, if by some miracle of fate your listening, make the parking a little closer to campus.
3) So I know it's nothing new to hear a college student, or any student for that matter, complain about his/her classes, but really is it too much to ask for a professor to show a film that was released sometime after the Cuban Missile Crisis? Granted the material is a bit dated, but is it so far out of the question that some company invest a little time and money making things relevant and interesting to students? For instance, this morning in my Perspective course, Georgia, A Spanish Borderland, we watched a video that was clearly older than nearly all my classmates and I. Also, not two weeks ago we watched a video detailing the find of an important piece of Native American history found along the Georgia coast that starred no fewer than three archeologists/professors that were, "no longer with us." I'm not asking for a Bill Nye the Science Guy archeology edition, but I am asking you not to give me Colonel Sanders from The Waterboy.
4) I'm ashamed to say it, but there comes a time when you can no longer live in denial. "Hello, my name is Andrew and I'm an addict." Now I know what your thinking, but please give me a moment to explain before you call Dr. Drew. I am completely and totally addicted to Call of Duty: Black Ops. My love affair with all things gaming was cultivated at a young age, and it has not been quenched even now as I am approaching my early twenties and the looming responsibilities of adulthood. However all I can really say is, so what? What harm am I causing other than to the other online players whom I annihilate with reckless abandon? None, is the answer your thinking of, not one. So why may I ask is it a problem for a man of my age to play video games? Well if you ask my lovely girlfriend, or any gamer girlfriend for that matter, you would receive a list of grievances that might possibly rival Martin Luther's 95 theses. So what's the solution guys, what is the compromise we must reach so that we can both appease our significant others, and still retain some alone time sending hot metal roaring through an enemy's head? Moderation! Yes, just as moderation is the key to padding your personal savings or removing a little padding around your midsection, it is also the key to finding that perfect balance between video games and the other, more important, aspects of your life.
5) Well let's just call it a day at 4 thoughts. It's late, I'm tired, and I've got a test in History tomorrow.
On thought number one.... you were just philosophizing weren't you? I've had some great times in the rain. Have you never played in the rain? And not to forget that God uses the rain to nourish all things here on Earth, even us? Hey, I've tasted hydroponic tomatoes and they are horrible when compared to ground grown tomatoes. Just something to add to your philosophy.