Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5 Thoughts For the Day 3/29/2011

There are always a lot of thoughts floating around in my mind, and this is where I'll share them with you. As my girlfriend often says, "I just have a lot to say, ya know?"

1) I really don't know why E*TRADE chose a talking baby as its main advertising cash cow, but I have to say I really can't get enough. "Apparently riding a small dog like it's a horse is frowned upon in this establishment!"

2) Doesn't it seem that you never feel guilty about not talking to your parents until you don't live with them? I guess now that I'm out of the house I feel guilty if I go to long without at least letting them know I'm alive.

3) Keeping with the family phone call theme, I really can't remember the last time my brother called me for any reason other than he needed something. I'm not going to complain though because that's actually a vast improvement from when we were younger, at least I'm not getting punched or given a noogie every 5 minutes.

4) Procrastination: Bad habit or Invaluable Skill? For the sake of my sanity I'll go with the latter and I'll say this, it may not be ideal, but I really think most of us work better under pressure, myself included. 

5) Last, but not least, for all you baseball fans out there here's my prediction for the 2011 season: The Atlanta Braves will win the National League East. I know I'm biased, but honestly all the Phillies have is a starting rotation. I believe the Braves will win the division, and make it to at least the NLCS behind a solid rotation, strong bullpen, and a new lineup and new energy provided by the arrival of Dan Uggla and new manager Fredi Gonzalez.

1 comment:

  1. I love the E*trade baby! I, as well, can never get enough of him. Long live the E*trade baby.

    I can also relate to the "siblings" never calling. And for that matter, your extended family also, as in nephews???? :)) I can't even begin to tell you when the last time was that my baby sister called me. At least I can stay somewhat connected to your mother on facebook.

    And BTW, you are a good writer. Just need to brush up on your spelling and punctuation. It all counts. I hope you have a best seller one day!

    I love you,
    Aunt Terri
