Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer: The Good, The Bad, and The Economically Acceptable

Well it's been a while, but I'm glad to say I'm back folks. A lot has happened in the last month since I've posted, well actually I guess it really hasn't been that much. I've finally managed to find myself a job, or more accurately my roommate Brett managed to get me a job, at KFC in case you were wondering. Also school is out for the summer, and I for one couldn't be happier. No longer will I worry about making it to all my classes or doing some last minute studying before a test that I forgot about. No, from now on it'll be the easy, carefree summer life for me, but oh wait I've got a job now. Alas my dream of a lazy summer was short lived. However, I will quite enjoy earning a paycheck for the first time in over a year. To pay tribute to the namesake of this entry I'll break it down like this. The Good: To quote one Dee Snider of Twisted Sister fame, "School's out for summer!," and isn't it a momentous occasion worthy of such an angst filled anthem. No more morning classes, no more back and forth to campus praying to find a parking spot and make it to class on time, no more cramming for a test to the point that my already receding hair line seems to retract a few inches further by the time the day is through, and certainly no more of the anxiety that is the hallmark of the all too familiar wait for grades to be posted. No my friends all these things have passed, however momentarily, and the summer has begun bringing with it a time of celebration, recuperation, and preparation for the lurking beast that is the fresh semester waiting menacingly a few short months away. A wise man once said that in the end, it's not the years in your life that count, It's the life in your years. Say what you will about Honest Abe, but I think this summer I'll take his advice and live as much as I can and try to make it three months that I won't soon forget. The Bad and The Economically Acceptable: I decided I'd rope these two in together as essentially they encompass the same idea. The Bad I suppose would be that I have to work this summer. Yes my friends that's right the free ride is over and I have finally entered the herd with the rest of you and got myself a job. Some may ask why I've decided to give up easy street for a bright shiny name tag and a new cologne of fried chicken and grease, and to answer that I move forward to the Economically Acceptable portion of this post. I'm calling this whole "work" experiment Economically Acceptable because that is exactly what it is, a fiscally responsible venture into the working world that is both regrettable due to the nature of the work, and satisfying as a result of the pay check I'll be receiving with delight every two weeks. Yet the question remains why would I take on such a venture after having gone so long without a job. Well that answer lies in the beautiful green eyes I so often find myself getting lost in. Yes that's right I'm in love with the woman of my dreams and I don't plan on letting her go. So that is why I decided to join the everyday work grind so that I can ask her a question I think I already know the answer to sometime in the not so distant future....stay tuned.